Thursday, July 7, 2016

Using array instead of creating a junction table with foreign keys

Joining is slow on junction table:

explain analyze
select coupons.coupon_id 
from coupons join coupons_products using (coupon_id) 
where coupons.user_id is null and product_id = 1000 group by coupon_id;

Planning time: 0.931 ms
Execution time: 676.687 ms

Try to query against another query:

explain analyze
select coupons.coupon_id 
from coupons 
where coupons.user_id is null 
    and coupons.coupon_id in (select cp.coupon_id from coupons_products cp where cp.product_id = 100);

Planning time: 0.769 ms
Execution time: 0.075 ms

The above has same performance with array approach:

explain analyze
select coupons.coupon_id 
from coupons 
where coupons.user_id is null and product_ids @> array[1000];

Planning time: 0.211 ms
Execution time: 0.075 ms

Array query and junction table query(no-join) has same performance, 0.075 ms. The advantage of array query is its planning takes less time. 0.211 ms vs 0.769 ms.

This is an observation made on denormalizing junction table to array

Happy Coding!

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