$ mkdir -p FirstProject/source/com/anicehumble $ cd FirstProject/source/ $ vim com/anicehumble/Person.java
Then enter this:
package com.anicehumble; public class Person { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } }
$ mkdir ../classes $ javac -d ../classes com/anicehumble/Person.java
The javac -d will build your Person.java in a mirror path(package) of your source code's path. So if you put your source code under the path of com/anicehumble, the -d ../classes parameter tells the compiler to put your compiled code in com/anicehumble path too, and under the classes path.
$ cd ../classes/
To test if your program is running properly(note, should use dots, not forward-slash, nor back-slash):
$ java com.anicehumble.Person
To put your class file in a JAR, create a manifest file first, indicating which class should the java runtime will look for main method:
$ echo "Main-Class: com.anicehumble.Person" > manifest.txt
Then put the classes in the jar, along with the manifest file:
$ jar -cvmf manifest.txt FTW.jar com/anicehumble/Person.class
Alternatively, you can do this, jar recursively get all the files if you just specify directory:
$ jar -cvmf manifest.txt FTW.jar com
To run:
$ java -jar FTW.jar
To make sure that your jar file is indeed self-contained:
$ mv FTW.jar ~/Desktop/ $ cd ../.. mv FirstProject x_Project
The last step(mv, Unix's rename) above is to make sure that there's no false positive ;-)
$ cd ~/Desktop/
To run:
java -jar FTW.jar
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