function counterEager(): Iterable<number> { console.log('counterEager: '); const list = []; for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { list.push(i); console.log('pushed value ' + i); } console.log('counterEager ends'); return list; } function* counterLazy(): Iterable<number> { console.log('\ncounterLazy: '); for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { yield i; console.log(`resuming value ${i}`); } } function* counterLazyMultiple(): Iterable<number> { console.log('\ncounterLazyMultiple: '); const a = [100, 200, 300]; yield* a; console.log('resuming value 300'); yield 400; console.log('resuming value 400'); yield* a; console.log('resuming value 300'); } function* counterLazyWithMixedReturnType() { console.log('\ncounterLazyWithMixedReturnType: '); const a = [100, 200, 300]; yield* a; console.log('resuming value 300'); yield 400; console.log('resuming value 400'); yield a; console.log('resuming value 100, 200, 300'); } for (const i of counterEager()) { console.log('value: ' + i); } let n = 1; for (const i of counterLazy()) { console.log(`received value #${n++}: ${i}`); } n = 1; for (const i of counterLazyMultiple()) { console.log(`received value #${n++}: ${i}`); } n = 1; for (const i of counterLazyWithMixedReturnType()) { console.log(`received value #${n++}: ${i}`); }
Developers-iMac:it dev$ ts-node sample.ts ounterEager: pushed value 1 pushed value 2 pushed value 3 pushed value 4 pushed value 5 counterEager ends value: 1 value: 2 value: 3 value: 4 value: 5 counterLazy: received value #1: 1 resuming value 1 received value #2: 2 resuming value 2 received value #3: 3 resuming value 3 received value #4: 4 resuming value 4 received value #5: 5 resuming value 5 counterLazyMultiple: received value #1: 100 received value #2: 200 received value #3: 300 resuming value 300 received value #4: 400 resuming value 400 received value #5: 100 received value #6: 200 received value #7: 300 resuming value 300 counterLazyWithMixedReturnType: received value #1: 100 received value #2: 200 received value #3: 300 resuming value 300 received value #4: 400 resuming value 400 received value #5: 100,200,300 resuming value 100, 200, 300
Unless you really want to yield the array itself instead of the array's individual elements, it's a good practice to explicitly indicate the return type when using TypeScript, the compiler can help you spot accidental error of yielding the array itself instead of yielding the array's individual elements:

On following, without the explicit type, the array itself (number[]) is yielded instead of its individual elements (number). Miss a single character (asterisk), the code will do different. See the output above.

It's interesting that JavaScript can yield individual elements from a list without looping by just suffixing the yield keyword with asterisk.
yield* listHere;
C# still don't have that functionality.
And also, JavaScript syntax for generator is terser than C#. Javascript's yield elementHere vs C#'s yield return elementHere
Have C# used yield elementHere instead of yield return elementHere, yielding individual elements from an array without looping could have this syntax for C#:
yield foreach listHere;
C# team might be having a second thought to introduce syntactic sugar like this:
yield return foreach listHere;
Further reading:
Happy Coding!
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